Abacus After School Club

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About Abacus After School Club

Name Abacus After School Club
Address Squirrels Heath Infant School, Salisbury Road, Romford, Essex, RM2 5TP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at this after-school club. They settle quickly and choose an activity to engage in.

Staff plan a range of activities with children's interests in mind. Children's behaviour is very good. Staff set clear rules and routines, and remind children about these at key points during the session.

Children mix well with friends of all ages. Staff offer support to the youngest children, which helps them to engage in the same activities as their older friends. For example, during a Halloween craft activity, staff help children to correctly hold the scissors, so they are able to cut out a snake decoration.
<...br/>Children proudly share their finished creations when they are collected by their parents at the end of the session. Staff support all children's emotional well-being, including those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They make sure that they check in on individual children and ask how they are feeling during the session.

Children enjoy spending time outside while they are at the after-school club, which helps to support their physical health. Staff engage effectively with children. They join in team games of football, help children to stack large tyres and give them ideas to enhance the games they make up with friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are enthusiastic about attending the after-school club. Staff greet them at the door and children hang up their coats and bags. Staff set clear expectations about children's independence and send children back to hang their coats up if they forget.

Children willingly go back and do this. They confidently talk about the things they enjoy doing while they are at the after-school club and say they wish they could stay longer.Relationships between staff and children are friendly and respectful.

Staff acknowledge that children have had a busy day at school before they attend. They provide activities to allow children to relax and enjoy their time with friends. Staff's interactions are warm and supportive.

They praise children for their achievements and listen to children who want to chat about their day.Staff encourage children's creative skills. They provide a variety of craft resources, as well as pens and pencils, which children can access at any time.

Children make up imaginary stories as part of their play outside, such as they pretend to enter 'portals' when they touch the wall. They enjoy building with construction toys and playing games with staff or their friends.Children enjoy sitting and chatting with their friends while they eat tea.

Staff offer choices for children to select what they would like to eat, including a selection of fruit and vegetables. This helps children to make healthy choices. Some children join the after-school club later in the session due to other activities in school.

Staff make sure that they have time to sit and eat their tea together before joining their friends outside.Parents are happy with the after-school club. They report they are grateful to have a place and explain that the after-school club allows them to be able to go to work without worrying.

Parents value the reassurance provided for children who have health care plans, as staff ensure that their medical needs are managed effectively.Relationships between staff in the after-school club and the school on the same site are good. This ensures that lines of communication are clear and that they work together to meet the needs of children.

The after-school club is well organised. Staff say they are happy working in the after-school club. They share the responsibilities to ensure that the session runs smoothly.

Staff explain to children if there are changes to the usual session due to an event in the school. This ensures that children are aware of what to expect. Staff use a walkie-talkie system to communicate between inside and outdoors and to avoid parents waiting too long to pick up their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities. They can explain the other agencies who might need to be involved if there was a concern about a child or a member of staff.

Staff attend regular safeguarding training and are aware of a range of issues which could affect children's safety, such as staying safe while using the internet and county lines. Staff complete appropriate first-aid training, to ensure that they are able to deal with any injuries which may occur while children or staff are at the after-school club. They carry out frequent risk assessments to make sure that the spaces used by children are safe.

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