Aspin Park Early Years Group

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About Aspin Park Early Years Group

Name Aspin Park Early Years Group
Ofsted Inspections
Address 22 Wetherby Road, Knaresborough, HG5 8LQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and safe in this pre-school.

They run into the setting, eager to start their session. There is an effective key-person system in place to support all children. Children attend settling-in sessions before they start.

Newer children who are tearful are well supported. They have cuddles on staff's knees until they are happy to explore the activities without support. As a result, these children settle quickly.

There is a sharp focus on supporting children's developing communication and language. Staff engage in imaginative play to develop language. For example, children make 'soup' in the mud ki...tchen.

Staff use a range of words within play to extend children's learning, such as 'gnocchi', 'ingredients', 'speciality' and 'seasoning'. This introduces children to new, meaningful vocabulary.The manager plans an engaging curriculum and has high expectations of children's achievement and behaviour.

She ensures that there is a focus on each area of learning throughout the year. A range of exciting activities and experiences are planned. Children become deeply engaged in their learning and behave extremely well.

Staff have a clear knowledge of their key children and how to support their next steps in learning. Staff work with parents when children start, to ensure that they build on what children already know. As a result, children make good progress.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents cannot praise the pre-school highly enough. They explain that they return to the pre-school with younger siblings.

The pre-school shares a range of information with parents. Parents attend open evenings to discuss how the pre-school will support children to prepare for school. As a result, parents feel that their children are well prepared for school.

The manager and her team constantly review their practice. They seek feedback from parents through questionnaires. Staff ask children what they enjoy and what they would like to do differently.

Staff receive an induction when they start and have access to a range of professional development opportunities. This ensures that they keep up to date with any changes and feel knowledgeable in their role. Staff comment that they feel well supported by their manager.

Mathematics is embedded into play, discussions and routines. For example, children use their 'counting finger' to count how many children are present at carpet time. Staff support children to understand a variety of shapes.

They talk about the properties of shapes. This helps children to understand early mathematical concepts.Children's cultures and beliefs are very well supported and understood.

Staff demonstrate respect for children's beliefs and ensure that family traditions are adhered to. The pre-school teaches children about a range of celebrations. For example, children recently learned about Eid.

They took Eid cards home to share with their parents. This gives children a sense of pride about their own religious beliefs.During carpet time, staff enthusiastically read a range of books.

All children become engrossed in the story. Staff take time to explain parts of the book and ask children questions. For example, staff talk about what 'compost' is, how it is made and what it is used for.

They sing a range of songs. Children excitedly request songs when they see the corresponding prop. Following the songs and stories, older children enjoy waiting for their name card to be held up.

This supports them to recognise their own name. However, this means that the youngest children are expected to sit and wait for too long and become restless.Children behave exceptionally well within the pre-school.

Staff support children to share and take turns. They explain the reasons if they do not wish for children to do something. For example, they ask children to take care outside to ensure that they do not to bump into anyone.

This supports children to begin to understand the consequences of their actions.Overall, children's independence is well supported. Children are given small tasks, such as collecting everyone's names after carpet time.

This gives children a sense of responsibility. Children choose if they would like milk or water with their snack. However, some opportunities to develop their independence skills, such as pouring their own drinks or choosing their own snack, are overlooked.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure that children are not expected to sit on the carpet for extended periods of time, especially younger children provide more opportunities for children to develop their independence skills, especially at snack times.

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