Bosworth Wood Community Day Nursery CIC

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About Bosworth Wood Community Day Nursery CIC

Name Bosworth Wood Community Day Nursery CIC
Ofsted Inspections
Address Lawnswood Childcare - Castle Bromwich Nursery, Auckland Drive, Birmingham, B36 0DD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Solihull
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Managers and staff have worked hard to create a nursery that is a real asset to the local community.

They have taken steps to ensure the provision of high-quality care and learning for the children who attend.Staff complete training that enables them to provide extremely good care and education for the children in nursery. They gather important information about what children already know and can do.

Staff consider this when planning for children's next steps for learning. The curriculum is well sequenced and builds on the individual needs of children. Staff make sure that children benefit from a wide range of resource...s and experiences.

They enable children to make their own choices about their play. Children make good progress from their starting points.Staff prioritise children's personal, social and emotional development.

They warmly welcome children and their parents into the nursery and place high importance on fostering these strong relationships. This helps children to feel safe and secure. Staff teach children to become increasingly independent in self-care practices.

They encourage children to wash their own hands when coming in from outside, before meals and after using the toilet. Staff explain the importance of this in getting rid of germs and helping children to stay healthy. Children are learning to form healthy habits and ways to take care of themselves.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff help children to develop their communication skills. They talk to them throughout the day and make good use of songs and stories. Staff introduce words that broaden children's vocabulary and ask questions that extend their learning.

They model language well and provide time for children to respond. Staff use Makaton, visual aids and key words from children's home languages to support those who are learning to speak English as an additional language. Children are learning that their efforts and contributions are valued.

They are becoming confident communicators.The special educational needs coordinator works with key persons, parents and other professionals to put in place targeted support to meet children's individual needs. This includes identifying and setting appropriate targets that will help children achieve well.

For example, they use visual aids and simple instructions to help children with special educational needs and/or disabilities to make connections between words and actions, which supports their speech and language development.Staff recognise and act on teachable moments that help children to make progress in their learning. For example, when planting sunflower seeds, they promote meaningful discussion about what the seeds will need to grow, and link this to what children need to grow.

They provide opportunities for children to practise new learning and consolidate knowledge, such as using scissors effectively. Children make continued progress in all areas of learning. They refine the skills they will need for the next stage of their learning, including the move on to school.

Staff support children to take appropriate risks and encourage them to have a go at trying things for themselves. For example, children are encouraged to climb and find different ways to move across the tyres in the garden. They learn to take care because risks may have consequences, such as slipping.

Children are developing resilience and learning to manage their own risks.The rules for children's behaviour at the nursery are linked to fundamental British values of respect and tolerance. Children behave well and display consistently high levels of engagement when playing.

They learn to make some good choices about their behaviour because adults model and encourage things, such as taking turns and sharing. However, rules and expectations are the same for all children, regardless of their individual age and stage of development. This means that younger children do not always understand what is expected of them.

Furthermore, there are times when behaviour is not as good as it could be because staff do not organise some of the daily routines effectively. For example, when waiting for lunch to be served, children sit for long periods of time with nothing to do. This leads to them becoming restless.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider the organisation of daily routines to reduce the length of time children are expected to sit and wait without anything to do review the current rules and expectations for behaviour so that they are appropriate to children's individual ages and stages of development.

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