Bright Horizons North Finchley Day Nursery and Preschool

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About Bright Horizons North Finchley Day Nursery and Preschool

Name Bright Horizons North Finchley Day Nursery and Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Moss Hall Hotel, 10-11 Moss Hall Crescent, London, N12 8NY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children arrive and are greeted warmly by staff at this inclusive nursery. They happily separate from their parents, self-register and quickly settle into the care of staff who know them well. Children play cooperatively across the nursery's harmonious environment.

Staff have an excellent understanding of how children learn and how to implement the curriculum. They sing, sign and make expert use of objects when children need additional support. Staff knowledgeably support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to meet their targets.

They help deepen children's social, language and att...ention skills through enjoyable activities, such as fun musical sessions.Across the nursery, staff have high expectations for children's communication, behaviour and personal development. Staff competently model positive interactions for children.

They listen and value what children have to say. Children's exemplary behaviour, confidence and respect for others demonstrates the impact of staff's high-quality practice.Staff encourage respectful interactions.

They seek babies' permission before offering personal care. Babies gain a positive sense of self. Staff offer emotional support or encouragement as they playfully observe their reflection in the mirror.

Staff help children develop an appreciation of democracy and learn that their opinion matters. For example, older children vote for their peers to be councillors. Children proudly hold responsibilities involving making decisions for their choice of activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children develop strong independence and self-help skills. Staff stand back and allow children to serve their food portions, scrape their plates after eating and organise some of their belongings. Children independently follow toilet and handwashing routines and learn to recognise their names.

Children display resilience and confident attitudes. For example, they spend time carefully modifying their art creations.Children's early mathematical ability is a strong focus.

Staff support children's mathematical development at every opportunity. Consequently, older babies start to recognise colours. Older children learn to add numbers together and halve quantities.

Staff give them time to think and suggest solutions to simple problems.Staff continually develop children's language and communication skills. They introduce new vocabulary, such as 'solid', 'soggy' and 'tough' to describe dough consistency.

Staff ask questions, such as 'What do you think will happen if we add too much?', while investigating mixing dough. This invites a variety of children's responses and encourages children to express their own ideas.Staff enrich children's knowledge of different beliefs and cultures.

They support their understanding of celebrations that are meaningful to their families. For example, children learn greetings in the different home languages spoken across the nursery. Parents are invited in to talk to the children about their traditions.

Children learn about special events and holidays, such as, Black History Month and Jewish Passover with various creative activities.Children are remarkably motivated learners with tremendously positive attitudes to learning. Staff provide children with the most stimulating activities.

Children of all stages of development are inspired to learn and are deeply engaged in their activities. For example, younger children expressively raise and lower their arms to distinguish different high and low pitch sounds they hear during musical group times.Children with SEND make excellent progress from their starting points.

Staff ensure they understand children's needs and provide the support necessary for them to engage in planned activities. The designated special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) is knowledgeable and very proactive at ensuring timely referrals to external professionals, when appropriate.Parent partnerships are excellent.

Parents say they appreciate the support and fantastic learning environment provided for their children. They feel staff work exceptionally well with them to support children's home learning. The leaders 'ready to read' scheme, together with staff's enthusiastic attitudes when reading stories to children, have ignited children's interest in books which they routinely borrow to take home.

Staff consistently comment that their well-being is a priority for leaders. They feel appreciated in their roles and enjoy incentives as a reward for their achievements. Morale is high among staff who work exceptionally well as a team.

Leaders and managers are inspirational and passionate. They motivate the staff team through supervision sessions and open discussions that identify their strengths and area where support is needed. Lead staff within rooms effectively mentor and coach less experienced staff.

This ensures the quality of teaching remains high.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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