Downs View and Kennington After School Club Ltd

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About Downs View and Kennington After School Club Ltd

Name Downs View and Kennington After School Club Ltd
Address Downs View County Infant School, Ball Lane, Kennington, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4PJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy, confident and clearly enjoy their time in the club.

Staff warmly welcome them as they arrive from their classrooms. They establish positive relationships with children and get to know their individual personalities. This enables them to plan experiences that they know will engage children.

Staff are good role models and teach children to treat others with respect. They help to raise children's self-esteem through recognising their efforts and accomplishments. For example, staff praise children for achievements.

Children's behaviour is very good, and they are helpful, well mannered and polite. S...taff provide a variety of activities and resources for the children to access. They encourage children to make independent choices.

Children suggest ideas for focus activities, for example using large chalks to make creations on the playground. Children demonstrate high levels of independence, accessing toys and resources they want after hanging up their bags and coats and settling into the club as they arrive.The manager and staff communicate regularly to discuss consistent strategies to support individual children.

The resulting continuity in their care helps all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, to feel secure and have their needs met.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

This small and newly established staff team have clear roles and responsibilities and work well together to offer enjoyable experiences for children. The leaders and manager provide ongoing support and guidance to staff to build on their knowledge and skills.

In addition, staff benefit from ongoing supervision sessions that help monitor their performance and support their well-being.Staff interactions with children are good. They get to know children well.

Staff listen to children with interest. They engage them in thoughtful conversations. Children communicate confidently and describe ideas in detail.

For example, they discuss how they have learned to sign their names and teach others to sign theirs too.Staff engage with the children in their chosen play and exploration. For example, staff provide paper and crayons and help children to explore the different leaves from the playground trees by creating a leaf rubbing.

Staff talk to children at their level, ask questions and add explanations to their learning. This helps to develop their communication and creative skills.Staff support children in learning about healthy lifestyles.

Children enjoy healthy nutritious snacks and participate in activities, such as making fruit kebabs.Children have good opportunities to use the school playground, where they run, play football and engage in games developing their physical skills. Staff place a high emphasis on children's well-being.

Children's individual dietary requirements are thoroughly understood and adhered to. Staff deploy themselves effectively around the club and complete everyday tasks, such as preparing snacks, without these impacting on children's enjoyment or safety.Children have the opportunity to input into the long-term planning and evaluation of the setting during children's meetings.

As a result, the children are looking forward to exciting new experiences, such as a club visit from a magician and a pet pony.Directors and club leaders effectively evaluate the service they provide and identify aspects of their practice to improve. For example, they have recently reviewed the toys and resources, increasing the amount of natural materials within the setting to create a calm feel for the children.

Generally, parents appreciate the club and feel that staff communicate well with them. Staff talk with parents and also provide termly newsletters to keep parents informed of what is happening in the club. The manager and staff act on any comments and ideas from parents.

For example, they now provide children with the option to participate in routine well-being sessions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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