Dursley Out of School Club

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About Dursley Out of School Club

Name Dursley Out of School Club
Ofsted Inspections
Address School Road, Highfields, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 4NZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • The manager, staff and committee have worked hard to address the issues raised at the previous inspection.

For example, they have created a committee folder with the details of all committee members, job descriptions of the different roles and flow charts for actions that need to be carried out when new members are appointed. • The manager, staff and committee reflect well on the setting, and seek chances to improve the provision. They listen to parents and children and make positive changes, such as reorganising the outdoor play area and sorting out the storage shed so children can easily access the toys and resources.

• Staff are exceptional ro...le models for the children and show considerable respect for them. Children are keen to offer opinions and share ideas, and they listen extremely well to others. Children develop high self-esteem and confidence in different social situations.

• The manager has improved partnerships with school. She seeks information from teachers about what children are doing in school to help provide extensions to experiences in the club, and shares children's achievements with them. Children benefit from consistent experiences that meet their needs and interests extremely well.

• The manager has systems in place for monitoring staff. However, she fails to recognise the many ways that staff can continue their professional development, other than completing mandatory training courses. • Staff do not provide children with many opportunities to explore and experiment with technology.

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