Jigsaw Preschool

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About Jigsaw Preschool

Name Jigsaw Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address c/o THE BELLBIRD PRIMARY SCHOOL, Link Road, Cambridge, CB22 3GB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children quickly settle in the pre-school. They are greeted by friendly staff, who spend time with them, helping to ensure they are ready to play and learn in the inviting group rooms and garden.

Children quickly find toys and equipment they like and are interested in. This helps to trigger their curiosity and enthusiasm to build on what they know and understand. Children feel valued in the pre-school.

They are proud to share things they know about other countries and cultures their families have links with. This contributes to children's growing self-worth and identity. Children sit together and talk about the rules t...hey would like to follow.

Their ideas and contributions are respected by staff. Children talk about being kind and sharing. They vote for the rules they think are important, helping them begin to understand the concept of democracy.

Children are motivated to learn through the well-planned curriculum staff facilitate. They are industrious in their self-chosen activity and welcome the contributions staff give to support their learning. For example, children build with large blocks, explaining to staff they have made a house for the dinosaurs.

Staff question them about where the creatures will eat, sleep and play. Children point out different areas of their construction and describe how to enter the house. Children take time to think about their answers, forming complex sentences with their growing vocabularies.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are dedicated to make continual improvements to the pre-school. The managers welcome feedback and support from external professionals and agencies, helping to raise the quality of education even further. Staff work very closely together, sharing new ideas to help strengthen the already good curriculum.

Staff support children to quickly recognise and regulate their emotions. For example, staff read books that highlight different emotions. They frequently ask children how they are feeling.

This integral part of the pre-school's curriculum and ethos helps children feel settled and secure. Children's confidence grows, helping them feel ready to take on new challenges and build on what they already know and understand.Staff use the information they gather from parents to help identify children's learning needs right from the start.

Regular communication with parents, such as through a secure electronic application and daily discussions, contribute to a solid and positive relationship between key persons and parents. This helps to ensure parents continue to support their children's progress and development at home as well as in the pre-school.Children behave very well.

Staff take time to explain the reasons for the simple rules in the pre-school and encourage children to think how others may be feeling. This helps to strengthen children's positive attitudes towards others. The clear and consistent boundaries that all children experience help to maintain a calm and harmonious environment in which children thrive.

Managers ensure that good relationships with the adjoining school and other settings that children attend are maintained. With permission from parents, senior staff find out about children's prior learning from other settings children have attended. This helps staff plan how to effectively support children's continued progress.

Transitions to school, other settings and between group rooms are well managed. This contributes to children's continued security and confidence.Children enjoy regular sessions from visiting specialised professionals and companies who help to enhance the curriculum.

Senior staff recognise the benefits of introducing highly skilled practitioners to provide memorable and entertaining experiences. For example, children enthusiastically join in themed singing and action sessions. They are enthralled by songs and props and concentrate for a long period of time.

Children follow instructions, listen and take turns while they strengthen their muscles and build on their communication and language skills.Staff plan how they can extend children's learning. They observe children and use their assessments to help ensure any gaps in learning are quickly closed.

However, although staff are dedicated to support learning, they do not always identify children's misconceptions. Although children show a great interest in objects, occasionally staff do not provide clear explanations or adapt teaching to expand children's knowledge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good knowledge and understanding of how and what they need to report if they have any concerns about children's well-being. All staff undertake regular training to help strengthen their knowledge. Senior staff, who take responsibility for overseeing safeguarding, maintain an awareness of any local issues that may impact children's welfare and safety.

The management committee help to ensure that all staff and volunteers are suitable for their roles within the pre-school by following the robust safer recruitment procedures they have put in place. This helps to keep children safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide children with the correct information about what objects are and how they work to help minimise misconceptions and extend learning even further.

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