Junior Adventures Group @ Betty Layward N16

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Betty Layward N16

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Betty Layward N16
Address Betty Layward Primary School, Clissold Road, London, Middlesex, N16 9EX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The setting offers a welcoming environment, where children feel happy and confident. Children are excited as they greet staff when they are collected at the end of the school day. Children are settled and share close relationships with the staff.

This helps them to feel safe and secure. Children are excited to see their friends and discuss what they have learned at school. Children behave very well.

They are kind and considerate towards each other. Staff are good role models to the children. Children share resources, take turns, and respect the feelings of others.

Children are aware and follow the setting's rules.... Staff provide structured and age-appropriate routines. For example, staff signal new activities by clapping a tune, which the children follow, and this reminds them it's time to tidy up.

Staff value children's opinions and they are able to share feedback via an Ideas Book and speak to staff about what they like doing the most. Children discuss that they want to spend more time outdoors and have opportunities to play games with their friends. Staff act on this, and children enjoy spending time outdoors and playing ball games, hide and seek and catch with one another.

This supports children to feel valued.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff consider children's individual needs and interests. They use information from the children, parents and teachers to plan exciting and interesting activities.

Children choose between a range of activities, both indoors and outdoors. They are independent in their play and select toys, games and resources they want to play with and take the lead in this.Children enjoy the healthy snack of fruits and salad wrap.

They use this as a sociable occasion where they discuss what fillings they want to eat and share stories about their day. Staff are aware of children's allergies and dietary requirements and ensure these are met. Children wash hands regularly and understand why this is important 'to keep them clean and germs away'.

Staff are nurturing and provide lots of opportunities for children to develop their confidence. For example, children are encouraged to participate in a group quiz and play board games, where they work as a team and cooperate positively with one another. Outdoors, they skilfully climb and balance on tree trunks and swing from branches.

They are proud of what they have achieved and share this with their friends and staff by calling out 'Look at me'.All children are confident communicators and really enjoy spending time with their friends. Children talk about their feelings and what makes them happy and sad.

They think about their actions to others, such as being too close to their friends. They understand that this is not always wanted and respect their friends who ask them to 'Step back please'.Children learn about nature in the outdoor area.

There are spaces for planting and growing. Children are curious about the different minibeasts they find and go on a bug hunt together. Children are motivated to learn and are encouraged to follow their own interests.

This helps them feel positive about their learning.Children who speak English as an additional language and those who may be disadvantaged make good progress. Staff work in partnership with parents and teachers at the school and share information to ensure continuity of care.

Overall, parents speak positively about the setting and discuss how friendly and caring the staff are. They appreciate the daily feedback and flexibility the setting offers to book places for childcare. There are systems for parents to provide feedback on the setting, such as a feedback book, questionnaires and a customer service number.

Some parents are aware and use this. However, not all parents are aware of this and how they are able to give feedback to the provider for further improvement.Staff follow the setting's policies and procedures to ensure the setting runs safely.

Staff are well supported by the manager and leaders. Good induction, support and training opportunities enable staff to clearly understand their role and responsibilities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The premises are secure, and the manager and staff carry out regular risk assessments to ensure they are safe. Children cannot leave unsupervised and unexpected visitors cannot gain access. All staff have completed safeguarding training to help them identify when a child may be at risk of harm.

Staff know how to report concerns. Leaders have effective systems in place to ensure staff working with children are suitable. Staff closely supervise children and provide a secure environment to ensure children remain safe.

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