Llangynidr C.P. School

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About Llangynidr C.P. School

Name Llangynidr C.P. School
Address Llangynidr, Crickhowell, NP8 1LU
Phone Number 01874 730681
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 110 (49.1% boys 50.9% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 23.9
Local Authority Powys
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Llangynidr Primary School is at the heart of its community. Leaders and staff provide a warm and nurturing environment where pupils feel safe, happy and cared for.

Pupils are proud to belong to the school, and value opportunities to contribute to its life and work. Most pupils, including those with additional learning needs (ALN), make at least suitable progress in a range of skills by the end of their time in school. The school is beginning to develop a broad and stimulating curriculum that is designed to provide its pupils with a balanced range of learning experiences.

Teachers plan a range of authentic and purposeful learning experiences that reflect the community and environment in which they live. The school has prior...itised Welsh language development appropriately. Staff have benefitted from professional learning to improve their own Welsh language skills, and as a result, pupils are making good progress.

Many pupils enjoy singing and playing games in Welsh and hold simple conversations with staff and with each other. The school carries out a suitable range of activities to evaluate the impact of their work. However, leaders do not always identify important areas for improvement such as opportunities for pupils to develop their literacy skills.

They do not address inconsistencies in the quality of teaching to ensure all pupils make the progress they should in their learning. The governing body supports the school extremely well in its improvement and evaluation work. Governors take part in learning walks and listen to learners regularly.

Although governors gather first-hand information from their school visits, they do not monitor the impact of teaching on pupil outcomes effectively enough. Recommendations R1 Ensure that leaders focus school improvement processes closely on the quality of teaching and the impact on pupils' learning and progress What happens next The school will draw up an action plan which shows how it is going to address the recommendations. Estyn will work with the local authority to review the school's progress.

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