Old Hutton CofE School

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About Old Hutton CofE School

Name Old Hutton CofE School
Website http://www.oldhuttonschool.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Head teacher Mr Nick Turley
Address Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0NQ
Phone Number 01539732778
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 114
Local Authority Westmorland and Furness
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including children in the early years, arrive at school happy and excited about what they are going to learn. Pupils enjoy learning and playing with friends of all ages. Parents and carers hold the school in high regard.

The school is ambitious for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils rise to meet these expectations. Most pupils achieve well across the curriculum.

They talk confidently to each other and to adults. Pupils live up to the school's motto, 'learning for life in all its fullness.'

Pupils behave well in lessons and during social times.

They move around the school sensibly. Pupils... know that adults step in quickly to resolve any small problems such as friends falling out. Older pupils enjoy supporting younger pupils, especially sharing books with them.

Pupils value the trips that they can go on to enhance their learning of the curriculum. For example, they enjoy being able to use the local area for climbing and water sports, including sailing and paddle boarding. Pupils can choose from a wide range of clubs such as dance, coding and the very popular reading clubs.

They recognise the importance of contributing to the wider community. Pupils readily donate money that they raise through events such as carol singing and bake sales.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed well-thought-out subject curriculums which follow a logical order.

This ensures that pupils receive a broad education. The school has carefully identified exactly what pupils need to learn and remember. Teachers routinely check that pupils have secure knowledge before they move on to new learning.

This helps pupils to learn well.

In a few subjects, developments to the curriculum have been implemented more recently. As a result, occasionally, there is inconsistency in how well some staff deliver the curriculum in these subjects.

From time to time, this affects how deeply some pupils build on their prior learning.

The 2023 published data indicates that the progress of pupils in mathematics was low. This data does not reflect the strength of the revised curriculum, which is helping current pupils to progress well in mathematics.

The school has embraced the use of reading to inspire pupils. Children in the early years are surrounded by high-quality texts that match their interests. Older pupils spoke about the books that they are reading with genuine enthusiasm.

The school carefully selects books that help to broaden pupils' experiences, for example as a way to discuss racism or understand diversity. Teachers read to pupils regularly. A joy of reading permeates the school.

The school has an effective reading curriculum in place. Children in the Nursery Year learn songs and rhymes and enjoy listening to stories. As they move into the Reception Year, children swiftly learn the sounds that they need to begin reading.

Staff encourage children to use the sounds that they have learned in their writing.In key stage 1, staff check that pupils have remembered their sounds and give timely support to any pupil who may need it. The school ensures that the books that pupils read closely match the sounds that they have learned.

However, some staff do not deliver some aspects of the reading curriculum consistently well. As a result, some pupils do not read as fluently as they could.

The school utilises its location well.

Children in the early years learn about the natural beauty around them. Skilled staff provide opportunities for children to develop their knowledge, for example through the use of songs or in detailed artwork. The school encourages visiting speakers to foster pupils' aspirations for their futures.

The school accurately identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND. Staff ensure that they make appropriate adaptations to the delivery of the curriculum so that these pupils can access the same curriculum as their peers. The school uses its considerable expertise, alongside the support of external agencies, to ensure that pupils with SEND are given the best opportunities to succeed.

Staff encourage pupils with SEND to engage fully in all aspects of school life.

Pupils easily meet the high expectations that the school has for their behaviour. Staff deal swiftly with any occasional silly behaviour.

The school provides additional support for some pupils, such as learning breaks, so that they can settle to their work more effectively. Pupils said that they appreciate the time that they can spend with Ivy, the school therapy dog. The school has worked closely with parents to improve pupils' rates of attendance.

This has been effective.

Pupils recognise the importance of fundamental British values and knowing about the wider world. They understand that people's differences should not affect the way in which they are treated.

Pupils enjoy the responsibilities available to them, for example reading ambassadors successfully spread the message that reading is fun.

School governors utilise their skills well. They support and challenge the school appropriately.

The school ensures that staff are given the support necessary for them to carry out their roles effectively. Staff feel appreciated and enjoy working at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, including reading, some staff do not implement the curriculum as the school intends. As a result, occasionally, some pupils do not make as much progress as they could. The school should ensure that, in these subjects, staff are fully equipped to deliver the curriculum consistently well.

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